Tuesday, August 18, 2020

4 months update


Ariyah-mai is 4 months 

Key milstone at 4 months old are:

  • Being able to push themself up on elbow when laying on their tummy. 
  • Begin to roll over mainly from tummy to back. 
  • Begin to sit or stand with support
  • Sleep longer in the night andd nap less during the day
  • Exploring toys and textures. Especially bringing things to their months (so keep wait)
  • Many feed less, because their growing stomach can hold more for longer.
  • They can now see more clearly and dicinish between shades of colour. 
  • Theething stages, getting their first teeth. 
  • Chatting more!

Remember all babies are different and develope at different stages so this is just on average. If your babies arnt doing somme of these things or doing more then that iss okay. If your worried talk to your health visitor, or doctor. 

Ariyah-mai is now 4 months old
She is one on those early birds despite her being premmy, she is so strong and a determined little fighter. She definatly is proving to be our little miracle. 

In my previous post I spoke about some things she beginning to too the main one is her teething so early. We aree now full swing in the teething stage where her top two teeth are cutting through, which means she is not very happy right now. It is always waking her and us during the night, as apposed to a week or so where she started to sleep all the way through the night for 8-10 hours. 

She was drinking less milk and going much longer with only one bottle to get through the night. However I think. She is having a growth spirt because she now wanting 6-7 oz every 4 hours, sometimes less so wee havinng to give her an oz or 2 as aa too up. This is because she is a hungry baby that readdu to drink 9oz bottles but unfortunately with her reflux her belly just can't handle it. She hassles her milk and then vomits. 

She is back in refflux medication which does seem to be helping and hass now been referred to a dietitian for milk allergy testing. This is because we were told to try herr slowly back on formula but straight away she progectiled it up and was sick and had a funny stomach all week. It's taken us nearly 3 weeks and meds to get her back up on her milk and stop her being so sick. 

1 things she is now doing which helps is actually grabbing and bring the bottle to her month, then pushing it away when she needs a break or had enough. She still needs help to holld it and tip in up to actually drink but she getting there. On a more frustrating note shee does not have milk ques or a routine. She tried so hard to do routine milk feeds but it doesn't sort her. More so due to the reflux. Sometime she not ready forr milk wheen it's due or wanted it early. She also doess not have cues so demand feeding can be hard, when she screaming but thee milk has to cool down. She goes from playing andd laughing to screaming for milk like she starving. Even if it's only been a couple of hours. She then only drink 2-4oz, while other times she want 6-7oz. 

But hopefully we can start getting her more settle with the reflux and more in a routine with her feeds, as she starts on soilds. We did not listen to our health visitor which I know we should but she been once when Ariyah-mai was born. When we contact her she tells us to take her clinic, where you. See different people who just weigh her and say she fine. They then say speak to our gp, who say speak to health visitor, we can't win. So we just trust our our parenting instinict and do what we feel is best. Therefore with Ariyah having reflux and being so hungry we started giving her baby rice from 3 months. (13 weeks) 

Ariyah loves the baby rice, she opens her month and grabs the spoon. It really seemed to settle her tummy in the morning meaning she keeps more milk down. Then when she did not have it she was more sick or did not poo. Whilst we were away for a bit resently she did not have baby rice and that's when her reflux started again. We have now moved on to rusks which we mix with her precription milk, she seemed to enjoy it and again was less sick, plus having normal bowel movements. We choose rusks because there is no milk traces or any lascose used which is what her allergy test is for. Where as other baby porridge and rice have cows milk powder in.

Ariyah having rusks. 25/02/20.

Other things and milstone Ariyah-mai is achieving. 

Rolling over
She has been doing it from her front to her back a little, but more so now without any support or worry about banging her head on the floor. She also rolls from her back to her side which again she been doing for ages, especially in her sleep because she lays on her side (puts herself on her side, since she was 2 months) She started rolling in the night onto her stomach, we were then putting her on her back or side. But it was always when we were not looking she rol again. She rolled once while playing on her mat from her back to her tummy and back again. Thus in no time she be rolling all over the place. 

She can push herself up on her elbows, when on her stomach and now trys to push up on her hands, she still developing this which will help her roll better. But the reason she doesn't roll so smoothly yet is becausee she more interest in trying to go forward. She will kick her us if we are near her or a toy. She gets her knees to the side and tucks her toes to push herself forward. We had to be careful at first because she pushes forward but does not move her arms and gets them struck or even push her face on the floor. Now she can push herself up more, she had starting to realise she has to move her arms in order to move. So she push off us or the floor and move an inch or so forwards. She trys to move her arms like army crawling. If she is on her playmat or a blanket she will grab on with her hands to help pull herself forward. But gets frustrated again beacause she cannot move. Especially at her nannys or grandads houses as they have carpet, where as on our laminate or her play mats are slippy to help her glide forwards. 

It won't be long before she gets the hang of it and be rolling and crawling around. Then walking.

Sitting and standing 

Ariyah will sit with slight support. She can sit for a few seconds unsupported and does try to push herself up if she leans but still needs help from us to sit herself back up. She can sit on the sofa with pillow behind her or on her Teddy seat thing my brother got her. (photo below) she has also began to bring her head up off the ground when laying down to try sit herself up, if we hold her hands andd guide her she will pull herself up. Again she loves sitting up and being able to. See what's going on, definitely preferres it to be laying.

A big thing that happened showing sshe growing up to fast is that she had to start using the next stage seat for the pram. She just got upset in. The new born part because sshe could not see. She wanted to be out of it all the time. Now shee can see what's going on and is happy sat in the pram. She still looks so little in it because it's for 6 months but we have a insert liner to make it comfy and fit her. Me and Ben were not ready for this so early.

Ariyah loves to stand, since she was very young around 5 weeks she wanted to be upright, she obviously needed alot os support then. Not she wants to stand all the time, she stand putting weight on her legs and supports herself with us holding her for balance. But she takes her own weight. She did do this last month and we spoke to a peditian as we were worried about her doing damage like bowing her legs. However they saw her and said no she is just strong and is standing fully through her feed and not blowing her knees at all. They said obviously don't force it but if she wants to stand just support her and let her do it. She has the streenght in her back and head tto hold herself so it's all fine. Which is good for her because that want she most happy doing.

Ariyah-mai will pull herself onto her feet from sitting just with holding our hands. She even started to step now if we hold her under her arms. She just wants to walk and run. She watches our bigger nieces and nephews and can tell she wants to run round playing with them. We started putting her in a jumoeroo, but she little for the seat and can't reach the toys. But enjoys standing in it. We are going to get her a walker soon so that will be interesting.

Ariyah can bat and reach to grab her toys hanging on herr rocking chair, swing or play mats. We also have a piano one she loves because she has to kick it. But she gets bored easily and frustrated that she can't actually properly play. She will hold a Rattle for a while or chrow toy for her teeth and brings pretty much everything. To her month. 

She likes more noicy light up toys. Loves anything that rattles, rainmaker and the drum is a favourite. She has just begin to notice that it her that causes the notice. So her cause and effect skills. She hits or shakes a Rattle she likes the notice she then realised she has to do it again. She trys to speak to it but then when sshe hits it again she looks at us as if to say I did that. You can see it in her facial reactions. Today it was very clear with this soft drum toy, when you bang on it, it then makes different tunes. She was rwaching and hotting it where ever I moved it. Then when I put it to the side she rolled over to get it. Could just see in her eye and face that she really knew it was her making the reaction. Was a very proud and  cleaver moment. 

However she does get frustrated and bored because she can not fully pllay and still needs help to move toys fforr herr to reach or held her hold them. She gets bored and just wants to sit up or be running around. Which hopefully ones we have a walkkerr she be better. 

Whole Ariyah does play with toysBit shee definitely preferrs interaction. While she got to a point we can leaave her to play or oppupil herself for a few minutes she will chat and shout for attention. Then smile at you when she gets it. Wheen I say shout she will scrwma aand shout looking around for us until we stop whatever we doing to talk to her. Which I do love because it means she is socialable and will be able to get one with others. Where ever we go she smiles and babbles to everyone, she truly steals your heart. Strangers on thee bus or in shops stop to talk to her andd comment how lovely she is. She has a real cheeky. Smile and a way to get what she wants. 

She makes all sorts of sounds now A, B, G, Y are her main ones. She does say MM and D ones or twice. But G is her main one which is herr little laughing sound. She is yet to really laugh which we are waiting to hear. As she is close. She will make a girgling chuchly sound with the facial expressions of laughtming but it is yet to full come out. She also minic what we say, so is we make new sounds at her or talk she trys to copy. Almost sound like sshe is replying andd saying real words sometimes. Especially no and yes. We sign to herr andd she almost got the sign yes. She seems to really understand the signs yes, milk and more.

Ariyah-mai basically is just a chatter box, she talks and shouts at us all day long. Definitely wants interaction over toysWe love it. Il post a video below.

Her hearing is very good, she response to her name and has been doing this for a while but just more so now. She also likes listen when we talking between us and you can see her watching going from onee to the other like she in the conservation. Then will shout so you talk to her instead. She looks and follow things that make a nice or if w are walking round shee follows us. If we pllay music or a toy she will find where the notice is from and look at it. Even things across the room now, like if she drop. Something. She does not jump as much because she can tell where the moice is from. Before she jump even if someone cughed or sneezed.

Shee is still very sensitive to movement, so if she in the pram asleep and there is bumps or a curb it wakes her. She there is a knock or something or we move her asleep she wake. Like she falls asleep in her rocker chair but because it then will rock it wakes her up. But if she pick her up to lay her else where, she wakes up. We try and leave her to sleep where shee is or as she falling and we at home we will put her in her moses basket. Between we had to rock her on our shoulder standing up, with music but recently she been able to settle and put herself to sleeep if we put her in her moses basket. Ass long as she has her blanket. As ones she is asleep it's fine and we can be as noicy as we like and she sound asleep snoring away.

She loves looking at anything that lights up, her rocking chair has a light up settling which she loves watching between thee to parts that light up alternatively. She look at one then thee other as it turn off waiting for the other to come on. Then any light or if there a shadow she stare at it. Also anything colour and bright. She does like the TV because to babies at the moment it's colour, movement and sound. So in the night garden and hey duggee seem to be a favourite. Which we don't mind her watching a bit because they are educational pm cartoons. There be no peppa pig in our house.

She likes to feel diffent things, musy and her rainbow knitted blanket entain her and she feels it puts them in her month and just plays with them. Her hands a mouse her too. She likes soft flussy materials. I think because she loves stoking the cats and will reach to Stoke them. Mainly Hayes as he the general one who will rub against her and ccome ffor cuddles. He just lays there if shee pulls his fur. She did manage to lip him ones but he didn't seem to mind. Obviously I cleared her month from hair.
Again anything that makes noice and ratkkes, or crinkles are the best, which she likes. She has soft blocks and herr tummy roller that she crinkly bits in that's she likes to squeeze. 

Things she likes/ dislikes
- chatting to people
- general adult attention and older children
X does not like babies or other her age
- likes standing 
- loves music andd singing
- noisy light up toys
- loves the cats
X does not like laying down in our arms, or for long on her play mats
- likes cuddles but on her terms
- wants to be held, eps standing up
- music, rocking and standing up with her, calms her down. 
- likes music rather then lullaby other then you are my sunshine aand row your boat (with actions) sometimes grand old Duke of York too. 
- laughs when we silly, make mistakes or tell cats off. 
- likes others being naughty (her cousins) 
- got very good but cheeky sense of humor
- loves water and the bath
- blow raspberries on her belly and cheekys
- laughs when I cycle her legs
- drum toy, rattles, and mrrors.
X camera shys and stops if videoing or thsting photos.
- but likes photos and looking at herself
X bring woken up.
- food/milk.

Overall we are so proud of her, she doing so well and is our little worrior. Our miracle, despot her being premmy, having a cold for months and her reflux she is growing and developing well. To well and fast. For our liking. But would not have it any other ways. She is just perfect. She is ready to grow up, eat, crawl, walk and play but is still our little premmy baby.

We have a joke we say to her. 'That she needs to let her body catch up with her mind.'

(Written in February 2020) 




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