Choosing a name and sorting out the nursery.
We are 26 weeks now, which is amazing and with every week the more chances our little rainbow has to grow, develop and be able to survive if born early.
So we are starting to get more excited, she is kicking away too. Me and Ben are now starting to get excited. Before this in the early weeks of pregnancy we could not even bring ourselves to talk about the future but now we are not only talking about plans for the pregnancy and baby but also future in terms of moving next year and jobs or what type of nursery we want the baby to go to. discussing what sort of parent we will be in terms of positive parenting, where we encourage and praise as well as how we will discipline our child. How we are going to tell them and teach them about the world they live in and the unique way they entered it. It is so good be actually plan, get excited and be able to bond with the baby. It finally feeling very real and in a few more weeks we will have a baby here.
One of these talks has been a lot about a name for our rainbow. This has been more challenging then we thought. When we had Nico we knew that was the name we liked and wanted to use. It was usual but also not too different. Easy to pronounce, spell and say. It was gender neutral. So we loved it however this time we just cannot seem to feel the same way towards a name. There are a few names we like but none that gives that feeling when you find know it is the right and love it. So we have been looking a different apps and pages that have list of hundreds of names but we are still yet to decided. I am sure when we find the perfect fit and when they are born we will just know but for now we are still on the search. So if anyone has any ideas please share and comment whether it is a gender neutral, boys or girls names list them and help us out.
We have also started sorting the baby room out, I build the bed back into a cot, got a new mattress. I have started to wash all the baby clothes, this means we have an idea of what we still needed and what we definitely have enough of. Like clothes! I think this baby has more clothes then us together plus a bit more. We have something like 30+ Sleepsuits, that is just the 0-3. Vest and bibs for every day for a month. So no more clothes! Well we keep saying this, yet we cannot help ourselves when we see something we like, especially if it is rainbow or has monkeys or sloths on it. There was a baby event and I
could not help myself, they had loads of sloth things so we just had to get it all.

My OCD has calmed down a bit, as I have started writing lists and planning what I will do on each day which has helped my mind from spinning with the overwhelming amount to do. Although I am still too prepared. I have already sterilised all toys, teethers, play mates and I have washed all the hats, socks, Mittens, and muslin's. Cleaned bouncier chairs, washed and clean the pram and car seat. I have packed the baby bits for the hospital, plus emergency share clothes for us both.
I have bleach the room from ceiling to flood,washing the skirting boards, walls and furniture. I cleaned the windows inside and out, vanished and steamed the carpet. Cleaned inside the build in wardrobes, the cot and so forth. Meaning with everything cleaned I can sort out where certain furniture will go in the bedroom. Then finishing washing, ironing and putting clothes away. Thus seeing all the last little this like storage draws, and decoration to put final finishing touches
I have just built the changing unit, I had to get the tram go to IKEA and get an Uber (this is a taxi service) back with it all due to being let down to go and collect it. Then I built it with Ben sitting and letting me what to do as he could not physically help. He hates that he can not do much and help me with the room. Which is sad because we should be creating the nursery together. He does help where ever he can or comes in to lay in there with me while i am doing things. He however did take so some photo of me struggling by myself so I will post them below.

This is me putting the suit together, then the finished look of the changing unit with some bits, but still need to get few bits for it.
I have bleach the room from ceiling to flood,washing the skirting boards, walls and furniture. I cleaned the windows inside and out, vanished and steamed the carpet. Cleaned inside the build in wardrobes, the cot and so forth. Meaning with everything cleaned I can sort out where certain furniture will go in the bedroom. Then finishing washing, ironing and putting clothes away. Thus seeing all the last little this like storage draws, and decoration to put final finishing touches
I have just built the changing unit, I had to get the tram go to IKEA and get an Uber (this is a taxi service) back with it all due to being let down to go and collect it. Then I built it with Ben sitting and letting me what to do as he could not physically help. He hates that he can not do much and help me with the room. Which is sad because we should be creating the nursery together. He does help where ever he can or comes in to lay in there with me while i am doing things. He however did take so some photo of me struggling by myself so I will post them below.

This is me putting the suit together, then the finished look of the changing unit with some bits, but still need to get few bits for it.
I have just Started washing all the clothes and putting them away. Especially with having so many clothes, it is hard to decided what bits are going in the draw or what to hang up. also what else needs to go in the changing unit. Even with me starting to organise early, there is still a lot to do. If anyone else has OCD and then nesting on top of that your understand how I am feeling and my uncontrollable need to clean.
We have brought most of the stuff we need well the big bits. Just the Moses basket left to get which Ben's family are buying. My dad brought the changing unit and my mum is sorting all the washing stuff, Cloths, cotton wall, creams/body wash and then we can stocking us up on Nappies, Wipes, and some formula.
We have brought most of the stuff we need well the big bits. Just the Moses basket left to get which Ben's family are buying. My dad brought the changing unit and my mum is sorting all the washing stuff, Cloths, cotton wall, creams/body wash and then we can stocking us up on Nappies, Wipes, and some formula.
Most of the last bits we need are bedding, so sheets for Moses basket, sheets for cot and general blankets. As well as bottle brushes, travel pots for formula, thermometer for bath then first aid/medicine bits. A changing mat, some storage boxes for the shelves in the changing unit to keep nappies and bits in.
We have another scan on the 29th which is Nico's date of birth, a year since he became an angel. This will be hard as until we see rainbow and know they are fine, we will worry. But I know Nico will be proud of us, he will be watching and keeping us all safe from heaven. Than that evening we will take time to light a candle, go through his stuff, do a balloon release all to celebrate him.
So please we ask everyone to light a candle with us on that day. I will do a post anyways for our scan and then please like a candle on social media and join us to celebrate our angels first heavenly birthday.
(Written at 26 weeks)
So please we ask everyone to light a candle with us on that day. I will do a post anyways for our scan and then please like a candle on social media and join us to celebrate our angels first heavenly birthday.
(Written at 26 weeks)
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