Ben's Surgery for cervical stitch.
After nearly a week of resting, we went into hospital for the pre-op assessment on Tuesday 4th June 2019. Where they did general monitoring like temperature, blood pressure, bloods all the usual. Then they did some swabs to ensure that there was no bacteria on Ben's skin or any infections. The Anaesthetist came to talk through what to expect the next day.
He explained that Ben would arrive tomorrow at 8 am to the day surgery admissions ward, where we will get allocated a bed, get gowned up and put the blood clot socks on, before waiting to be taken down. He will then get taken to the theatre room, here he will be wired up to monitors for blood pressure and heart rate. They will then put a IV tube in his hand, so they can give him antibiotics or fluids if needed. Next they will clean and put local numbing spray on his back before putting in the spinal anaesthetic injection. He went though how this works to numb him, that his legs will go numb and heavy. They will lay him down in position for the surgery then to begin. He will be awake and aware of what is going on and will be asked questions throughout to ensure he is okay.
He went though the side effects of the Anaesthetic and how he may get pins and needles, headaches, dizziness and sickness afterwards. As a back up that this spinal injection does not work or he can still feel pain, they will have to put him under general anaesthetic but that is unlikely. Also their is a rare risk of minor nerve damage that can be short term for a few weeks after. Due to the spinal anaesthetic he will have a catheter fitted as the numbing last up to 6-8 hours after affecting his bladder function for this time. Further more he may still be very weak, too dizzy and sore to walk to the toilet. The catheter will be removed the next day or whenever he can fully get up and walk to the toilet by himself.
Considering all this we consent to the surgery and await for the midwives to see us before we are sent home for the night. The midwives explained that Ben could eat up until 2 in the morning and can drink water until 8/9 am. When we came back in the morning if their is a long wait then Ben will be allowed to drink up until 2 hours before his surgery. He was given anti acid tablets to take at 10 pm and 6 am along with anti sickness that morning to prevent vomiting and acid build up after the surgery. We were then sent home for the night to rest, upon returning the next morning.
He went though the side effects of the Anaesthetic and how he may get pins and needles, headaches, dizziness and sickness afterwards. As a back up that this spinal injection does not work or he can still feel pain, they will have to put him under general anaesthetic but that is unlikely. Also their is a rare risk of minor nerve damage that can be short term for a few weeks after. Due to the spinal anaesthetic he will have a catheter fitted as the numbing last up to 6-8 hours after affecting his bladder function for this time. Further more he may still be very weak, too dizzy and sore to walk to the toilet. The catheter will be removed the next day or whenever he can fully get up and walk to the toilet by himself.
Considering all this we consent to the surgery and await for the midwives to see us before we are sent home for the night. The midwives explained that Ben could eat up until 2 in the morning and can drink water until 8/9 am. When we came back in the morning if their is a long wait then Ben will be allowed to drink up until 2 hours before his surgery. He was given anti acid tablets to take at 10 pm and 6 am along with anti sickness that morning to prevent vomiting and acid build up after the surgery. We were then sent home for the night to rest, upon returning the next morning.
The next morning we made our way to the hospital nice and early at 8 am.
When we arrived at the hospital, we went to the surgery admissions lounge where we were told to go however they had no record of Ben. We were left not knowing where to go. So leaving Ben there I went to find out, I walked round to fetal medicine, to the delivery suit but it was so early no one was around. I spoke to the sonographier in the EPU. She rang someone and told us to go the keate ward. So again got Ben and went looking for it. We were directed all round the hospital, while no one seemed to know where it was, but I finally found it. However it was a general female ward and they had no record of Ben either. So last try I went to the delivery ward again where they sent us to the birthing centre up stairs. They fit us in because there seemed to be a confusion, but the midwives were lovely. After over an hour of figure out where to go, Ben was able to lay down and get some rest.
She did all his observations, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and urine sample. gave us a gown and told us to just wait and rest. That someone would come to get us, to go into delivery ward theatre room for the surgery.
Ben went down for surgery just after 12, I was allowed to go in with him which was good. so we got all gowned up.
Ben in his gown and blood clot socking.
Myself in small scrubs
The nurse first brought me a medium then realised how little I was and returned with a small junior one so we all laughed about that.
After we went down to surgery, they explained a bit more detail about what was going to happen. They put a canular in Ben's hands to run fluids and antibiotic through. The anaesthetist then cleaned and sprayed numbing gel on Ben's back before putting in the spinal injection. They laid him down in position and straight away his legs got very heavy, he could not move them and said it felt very funny. The staff in there was lovely who got Ben in position with his legs up in straps and clipped his gown up as a screen so we could not see what was happening.
Ouma came in and started the surgery, we had our music on and was chatting to the nurse. It took around an hour in total but only about 40 minutes for her to actually put the stitch and the catheter in. Ben felt a bit of discomfort and pressure along with a bit of dizziness but no pain. We were then in recovery for half hour, before going back to the ward.
We were told by Ouma the specialist that Ben's cervix was short and that he would need to stay in hospital on bed rest. That he needs to stay on bed rest right up until 34 weeks. That he was only allowed to get up to use the toilet and shower. That he is only allowed on his feet or sitting for 4 hours within a 24 hour period. That he can go out off the ward and for air only if he is in a wheelchair. So no long walking or moving for Ben. The hospital is now his home possible for the next few weeks.
Luckily the ward we are on is nice, the midwives are lovely and now that Ben has moved over to a window bed we can make him comfortable. I am allowed to stay over night and come and go as I pleased. I am going home to get him stuff later to make him more settled as we will be here for a long time. While I know he is well looked after, as they are monitoring him and baby every four hours. He is on injections and medicine to prevent blood clots, antibiotics and progression. It is going to be hard leaving him in hospital while I have to go to work or home but I will be here as much as possible.
(Written at 16 weeks)
She did all his observations, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and urine sample. gave us a gown and told us to just wait and rest. That someone would come to get us, to go into delivery ward theatre room for the surgery.

Ben in his gown and blood clot socking.
Myself in small scrubs
The nurse first brought me a medium then realised how little I was and returned with a small junior one so we all laughed about that.
After we went down to surgery, they explained a bit more detail about what was going to happen. They put a canular in Ben's hands to run fluids and antibiotic through. The anaesthetist then cleaned and sprayed numbing gel on Ben's back before putting in the spinal injection. They laid him down in position and straight away his legs got very heavy, he could not move them and said it felt very funny. The staff in there was lovely who got Ben in position with his legs up in straps and clipped his gown up as a screen so we could not see what was happening.
Ouma came in and started the surgery, we had our music on and was chatting to the nurse. It took around an hour in total but only about 40 minutes for her to actually put the stitch and the catheter in. Ben felt a bit of discomfort and pressure along with a bit of dizziness but no pain. We were then in recovery for half hour, before going back to the ward.
We were told by Ouma the specialist that Ben's cervix was short and that he would need to stay in hospital on bed rest. That he needs to stay on bed rest right up until 34 weeks. That he was only allowed to get up to use the toilet and shower. That he is only allowed on his feet or sitting for 4 hours within a 24 hour period. That he can go out off the ward and for air only if he is in a wheelchair. So no long walking or moving for Ben. The hospital is now his home possible for the next few weeks.
Luckily the ward we are on is nice, the midwives are lovely and now that Ben has moved over to a window bed we can make him comfortable. I am allowed to stay over night and come and go as I pleased. I am going home to get him stuff later to make him more settled as we will be here for a long time. While I know he is well looked after, as they are monitoring him and baby every four hours. He is on injections and medicine to prevent blood clots, antibiotics and progression. It is going to be hard leaving him in hospital while I have to go to work or home but I will be here as much as possible.
(Written at 16 weeks)
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