Rainbow's Baby shower.
We had our baby shower today, another milestone we did not think we would make, but could not have hopped for a better day. We have been planning the baby shower for a while now and really did not expect it to go as smoothly or lovely as it did. It was stressful planning and leading up to today however overall was a fantastic day.It was jungle safari themed, I had made our own invites and game cards, then order some decorations on Amazon. We got a rainbow balloon and all jungle themed items. We also got Nico a big brother to be sash, as well us both daddies to be sash. I made some chocolate cupcakes, with help of our friends Scott and Ron to decorate them. Ben made up thank you bags, some for the kids that had bubbles, drawing book and sweets in. While the adults had a candle to lit when our rainbow is born, including sweet corns, his cousin Vicky made or box's my brother girlfriend made.

Sash's and rainbow balloon that we got for decoration. We put Nico sash on the side with his frame and stuff so when everyone walked in they saw it. The daddy to be sash we wore though out the baby shower. Tho mine kept falling off because it was too big.

These are the bags Ben made to thank everyone for coming. We got these cute rainbow bags from Amazon.
My mum helped a lot with all the food whilst dad and Ben's aunt/Nan paid towards the cake we got made.

This is the cake we got professionally made with monkey and sloth and rainbow on top. With other jungle animals and trees to fit our theme.
Then the cupcakes that we made. They were chocolate, with butter cream frosting to look like grass and editable wafers on top.
People who came:
- My mum, step dad Alan.
- My brother Jordan and his girlfriend Lauren
- My Aunts Zoe, Cherie and Jenny
- My cousins Kennedy, Mollie, and Paige.
- My Aunt Kim and cousin Amy.
- Ben's aunt Tina
- His cousins Ellie, Logan and Vicky
- Ron, Scott and Giovanna
- Shannon and MJ
- Lukasz
- Ben's friends Rebecca and James
It was really nice to have everyone there celebrating with us, especially as it was the first time a lot of my family had been to our house as well as meeting Ben's family. We played some games and had party food. Everyone loved our rainbows room and brought her some lovely things. We could not be more gratefully for all the help and gifts.
We got lots of wipes and nappies which is amazing then wash bits, sudacream, medicines, blankets, muslin and much more.
Photo above is from various people that we have put away in the bathroom. These include a duck hand scrubber, some baby bath, shampoo, body wash, nappy sacks, cotton pads, sudacream and the blue box has toothbrush, nail clippers and files, brush, thermometer, nasal snot decongestant, all the essentials basically.
Ben's Nan and Tina brought us the most beautiful baby shoes from Doir and blue dungarees from Rulph Lauren, which were expective. They had also paid towards the Moses basket with his cousin Vicky.

My mum and Alan brought us lots of essentials like nappies, wipes, sudacream, medicines, blankets, thermometer, baby bath, shampoo, gripe water, some clothes, and a rain jacket for when the baby it bit bigger. (3-6).

My brother Jordan and Lauren got us some cute sensory slippers and rabbit rattle. This is so cute and although it is pink its light baby pink which we do like. But I love the fact that the ears on the bunny and the slippers are sensory and tactile. Working within special education I know how much sensory input is so important for development for babies as well as those with special needs. We will be using these and other sensory learning to help our rainbows development.

From my dad's side of the family my aunt ( well his cousin so my second cousin and her eldest Amy brought as a teething toy and this unique hanger with a lion and tiger that we are going to hang on the end of the cot with animal teddies in. She also brought some travel sudacream and changing essentials nappies and signed us up to a 3 month amazon supply of nappies which is going to be so helpful and amazing then we just let them know when our baby goes to a bigger size and they change it.
My cousin Amy also brought us these two sleepsuits, which are 3-6 so bigger which is always helpful as usually everyone buys newborn stuff. Possibly having a bigger baby she may also be in 3-6 months earlier. The outfits are perfect and completely our theme so we love these sleepsuits so much.
Our friend's Ron and Scott made us a personalised cot mobile as well as being the one that has given us lots of Gi's stuff over the last year.
Lukasz Ben's old youth worker was amazing he not only brought us some muslin, traditional Finland rattle toy, sensory bunny ear toy, milestone cards and a vest. He also got us a LGBT parenting book and a carrier for the baby. He then gave us £100 on a gift card. This is so amazing and could not thank him more. we are going to save the gift card to get bits and some toys for when rainbow gets a bit older and we need things like toys, high chair or as emergency if we run out of essentials ( nappies, wipes, formula milk ect...)
My dad and step mum had paid for the changing unit a while back but are coming to see us soon as were not well so could not make the weekend, this is the same for my Nan and Granddad, so I am sure we see them when the baby has arrived.
We now have started washing the last bits and putting everything away to be ready for our rainbow in 4 weeks and 3 days. Next weekend we are going to Kingston and ordering all the last things on amazon, as well as getting bits for Christmas. Ensuring we are all ready for our baby and the first few weeks of her life.
Rainbow Is A...........
I am sure your all reading this waiting for the reveal, while we are not doing an official gender reveal because honestly we do not care about the baby's gender, as I have explained in other posts about how we will raise rainbow to be themselves and not confined by gender expectations. We did actually find out the gender, which most of our friends and family have known for ages because we were not making it a huge secret or a big deal. We were able to educate others on how not to conform our child before they were born, about things we liked and wanted to buy or how we would raise this baby. So although our family all know I have yet to announce it on here or on other social groups.

Whilst there are still things we did need to think about when raising a daughter is things like self esteem and body positive because of all the negative stereotypical expectations on young girls now a days. That are portrayed on social media, celebrity icons and well just general society. As well as basic anatomy like growing up and going though puberty. One strength on being transgender is that we have both gone though female puberty then male puberty later on when we transitioned. Therefore as dads we have a unique insight to what she will go though and how to then explain it to her.
With this is mind we are very excited to welcome our rainbow daughter into the world in just 4 weeks and 3 days.
(Written at 34 weeks)
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