Update at 26 weeks.

So at 26 weeks baby is about the size of a butternut squash, bowling pin or rabbit. Measuring around 3.5 cm and weighting 2 pounds (lb) (This is just an average estimate)
At this gestation the baby has a greater survival rate around 80% at 26 and more then 90% by week 27, which is something that is important with high risks pregnancy like ours. As every week and milestone is a huge relief to us. It gives us weeks to get to, like this week and our next is 28 then 32 ect...
So baby is now putting on more fat and muscle to keep them warm, they can start to regulate their own temperature and look less wrinkly. They are practising breathing, by swallowing amniotic fluid. This is preparing their lungs for that first breath when they are born. They are also able to hear a lot better and sense light from inside the womb. So it is the best time, if you have not yet started to talk, read and sing to baby. Play music and sing along to bump. This will help baby recognise yours and your parents voice.
Babies at this stage will also start opening their eyes, as well as there nostrils. their taste bubs are full developed as they can slightly taste what you eat from the fluids around them.
How you might be feeling at 26 weeks pregnant.
If you have not started to feel the heat, you can look forward to the hot flushes, as blood flow and hormones increase this makes you feel warmer and your skin may become blotchy or itchy. Remember to drink lots of fluids and rest to keep your self cool, especially in the hot summer months. As it has been so hot this summer with heat waves above 30 degree which is high for London, Ben has been suffering from hot flushes and heat in general. A good fan, drinking cold water and having regular showers has helped. Restless legs and swelling in hands, feet and legs continues. More so with the uterus now ascending up into the rib cage, you may start feeling short of breath and finding it hard to catch your breath. Try laying on you sides and not on your back as this elevates the pressure. ensuring you take it slow up the stairs or when walking so you do not get out of breath and dizzy. If you do then take a break, sit or lay down if possible and again drink lots of water.
Along with shortness of breath and round ligament pains, false contractions known as braxton hicks can start, this is just your body practising and preparing the muscles that it needs in labour. Unlike real contractions these will be infrequent, uncomfortable but not painful. However if you think you are experiencing real contraction, that are regular, painful, increase in intensity and frequency then call and go to the hospital. Other signs of preterm labour is cramps, low pelvic pressure, change or increase of discharge, back pains, bleeding or waters breaking, seek care immediately.
Sleep can be effect during pregnancy along with hot flushes, round ligament pains, needing to constantly visit the toilet. Then restless legs, swelling, short of breath and the baby moving, all keeping you awake. Vivid dreams ca be a reason for your lack of sleep. This is very common and starts around this time. This can happen before think week or not at all. But if you do get them they can be very realistic, making you toss and turn all night. A way to manage this is by talking, to your health professional, partner or anyone supporting you, by getting all the questions, worries and things on your mind out can help you control those thoughts that are causing the dreams. Do not keep it in your head, even if you get it out by writing how you feel this will help make sense of your worries or everything that you need to do still.
Ben has been struggling with sleep very early in the pregnancy, first it was needing the toilet a lot, as he was effected by urine infections too. then the heat wave did not help, the baby kicking and just general discomfort that kept him awake. More so keeping me awake too. Whereas he did sleep on and off during the day, due to being on bed rest he did not have much else to do when I was at work. He has been having small naps on and off all day and night but not long deep sleep he needed.
Then recently he has been affected by vivid dreams, waking very upset because of these dreams being so realistic. Upon the fact that it is coming up to Nico one year since he became an angel. He should be one if he survived or 6 months if born on his due date. However we lost him due to an infection. It was this time last year that Ben started to get sick prior to his waters breaking at 16 weeks thus our baby being to ill and small and born sleeping. He became on angel on the 29th of august and it broke us. Therefore Ben is emotional and finding it difficult as it draws close to this time of year. He keeps dreaming that we go for our scan with rainbow and we lose them too. He has flashes of it all happening again. This is then waking him up very distressed. It was going to be hard let alone being pregnant again and having our 28 week scan on this day of Nico's birth. I have just had to hold him, calm and reassure him when he had these dreams. I know these next few weeks are going to be hard. Although we are at a much safer gestation it is still a worry until they are here in our arms, this is made worse by having more scares.
We have seen rainbow again twice these last two weeks and listen to the heartbeat a few times at the hospital. This was due to Ben having reduced movements at 24 weeks and 5 days, where he went 2 days without feeling the baby move. Again a week later he had pressure low down and pain with 3 days of no movement.
Although this is very normal before 28 weeks as the baby has yet to have a pattern of movement, as well as still being small. In addition to the positioning of Ben's placenta being at the front therefore cushioning majority of the movements. We still went in to get checked. This is advised and upon calling the maternity unit they will almost certainly say to come in. So we went in the first time and luckily our specialist happened to be in delivery doing his rounds when he bumped into us. He got us a scan straight away with no delay, showing that our baby was fine. The baby was tucked right up by the placenta with their thump in their month fast asleep. The doctor gave the baby a wiggle to make them move, which they were not happy about. The baby spun around turning their back to us all, before going back to sleep. We heard their heart beat which was perfect, regular and strong. So we went home to sleep, before long the baby starting kicking away again, making u so relieved.
Then a week later Ben had lots of pains and pressure very low, like pushing discomfort in the pelvic area, consequently ending up back in the hospital. Where they listen to baby's heartbeat and checked Ben's stitch, everything was fine and we were sent back home. Nonetheless two days later he still had not felt baby, meaning it had been 3 days since feeling any movement. We were sent to the day assessment centre where they did Ben's blood pressure, urine and listen to baby before sending us round to have a scan on request because we were worried and getting ourselves worked up. They know us well so they do not take much persuading to do a scan. The baby was fine, but had changed position making it difficult for Ben to feel movements. Previously the baby had been head down kicking Ben's side and ribs however now they had turned around so their head is up with their feet right down on Ben's bladder. This is why he is feeling pressure, pains and needing the toilet more often, but not really going. The sonographer told us the baby feet were pushing down as if they are trying to stand up inside the womb. She checked the baby's brain, stomach and size. as well as their heart beat, blood flow in the cord and Ben's blood flow. Everything was as it should be expected. The baby is now weighing slightly above average at 2.3 lbs, which is great as being this weight gives the baby 90% chance of survival if born early.
Although this is very normal before 28 weeks as the baby has yet to have a pattern of movement, as well as still being small. In addition to the positioning of Ben's placenta being at the front therefore cushioning majority of the movements. We still went in to get checked. This is advised and upon calling the maternity unit they will almost certainly say to come in. So we went in the first time and luckily our specialist happened to be in delivery doing his rounds when he bumped into us. He got us a scan straight away with no delay, showing that our baby was fine. The baby was tucked right up by the placenta with their thump in their month fast asleep. The doctor gave the baby a wiggle to make them move, which they were not happy about. The baby spun around turning their back to us all, before going back to sleep. We heard their heart beat which was perfect, regular and strong. So we went home to sleep, before long the baby starting kicking away again, making u so relieved.
Then a week later Ben had lots of pains and pressure very low, like pushing discomfort in the pelvic area, consequently ending up back in the hospital. Where they listen to baby's heartbeat and checked Ben's stitch, everything was fine and we were sent back home. Nonetheless two days later he still had not felt baby, meaning it had been 3 days since feeling any movement. We were sent to the day assessment centre where they did Ben's blood pressure, urine and listen to baby before sending us round to have a scan on request because we were worried and getting ourselves worked up. They know us well so they do not take much persuading to do a scan. The baby was fine, but had changed position making it difficult for Ben to feel movements. Previously the baby had been head down kicking Ben's side and ribs however now they had turned around so their head is up with their feet right down on Ben's bladder. This is why he is feeling pressure, pains and needing the toilet more often, but not really going. The sonographer told us the baby feet were pushing down as if they are trying to stand up inside the womb. She checked the baby's brain, stomach and size. as well as their heart beat, blood flow in the cord and Ben's blood flow. Everything was as it should be expected. The baby is now weighing slightly above average at 2.3 lbs, which is great as being this weight gives the baby 90% chance of survival if born early.
This was all reassuring and we could go home happy to rest. later again baby stared kicking really low this time, Ben got so excited grabbing my hand to feel her. furthermore the next few weeks are still going to be hard. As we lead up to this time last year when he had the infection and we lost our first born. Also Ben lost his cousin on the 28th last year the day his waters broke and we then lost Nico on the 29th. Therefore these next few weeks and those two days are going to be extremely difficult. While we are excited and baby is doing well, we are going to be anxious. It is a different pregnancy and we have amazing care, despite this Ben will be on edge and worry it will all happen again.
Now we just have to wait until our next scan at 28 weeks and push through the next two weeks, by keeping busy, keeping Ben rested and both staying positive. In spite of the baby growing well, this little one knows how to keep us on edge and prepare us for the challenges and joys of parenthood.
Scan image from today at 26 weeks.
(Written at 26 weeks)
Now we just have to wait until our next scan at 28 weeks and push through the next two weeks, by keeping busy, keeping Ben rested and both staying positive. In spite of the baby growing well, this little one knows how to keep us on edge and prepare us for the challenges and joys of parenthood.
Scan image from today at 26 weeks.
(Written at 26 weeks)
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