Help us! We not ready for this.
This baby amazes us everyday. So those of you who are following will know that ariyah has always preferred to be upright. Even as aa young baby 2/3 months she wanted to sit and stand. She would stand on our legs. By 4 months she was standing up with some support from us and Wouold even take steps when we held her by her waist.
At 6 months she was craising round furniture and standing her self up. Sshe Wass so persistent and would try and let go standing momentarily on her own. On occasions she try take one step but follow. But this girl is determined. There no stopping her. By 7 months she was crawling so less determined to. Walk but still craising and standing when she could. At 9 months she was stand independently, walking holding just onee hand.
Exactly 10 months that morning she took her first three independent steps where she stood herself up and walked. She stock herself I think and sat down. Then every timme she took the odd one or two steps if we noticed her she just sat down. She then gott ill and that throw her off for a while. But as I said nothing stopped her she was soon back up in her feet, taking the odd step or two. Leading up to 11monnths shee did start taking small. Steps in between things or to us I think 5/6 was most we counted.
On 22/09/20 at 11 weekss and few days she was off. She walked abit which I missed as I was at work. She had a friend over who is almost 2 so he is toddling around so this helped as she tried to copy and walk after him. Also being at baby groups she was seeing other older toddlers learning and walking.
Then when I got home we facetime her cousin GI. Whilst gi was on the phone ariyah walked across the room to the phone it was so sweet as she laughed realising what she done. Gi was clapping and saying we'll done ariyah for walking. It was a precious moment that thankfully we also got on camera. Every since that there is no stopping her now. She walking everywhere.
So here where the fun starts, although she not very fast right now so wee can catch her, on that note she is already trying to run so she going to give us the run around. Getting everything andd climbing more then she already does. So spend two Daddies help hehe.
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