11 months leading to 1!
This last month has been crazy, ariyah has been growing up so much. Learning more words, walking, running and just getting to clever. She so tall and grown up.

Ariyah-mai is a little whirlwind, she is non stop all day. from 5:30-6 in the morning, full off life, which is great when we sleep but not when she has her bad night's and we have all been up and down all night.
She still is not a great sleeper, her naps in thee day are much better, she normally has 2 one around midmorning 10ish, for half hour. Then another longer one around 2/3. However she has been abit poorly again with a cold, cough and teething which means she been up all night, and napping more times in the day. We have noticed is she has a later nap around 4 she can actually last longer until bedtime at 7:30, meaning she is not as many. Therefore settles and sleeps better. This is because overwise she gets over tired and needs to go bed earlier but will be up all hours of the morning at like 3am.
Keeping her active and busy is the key, but with more lockdown restrictions and covid rising again, plus it is now cold and winter this is harder to do. As there is not mucch in doors to keep her so active. As I said she is non stop, loves climbing and being outside. The park is her favourite especially the swings. She will run over shouting at them and will scream when we take her off. She is now able to start climbing, crawling through the tunnels and sliding down the slide more indepently. But still needs help, not that she let's us. She is so independent if she can't do something she gets very frustrated, furthermore is reluctant to let us help her. However she never gives up and will keep trying which is an amazing trait to have especially so young.
We took her to soft play for the first time since lockdown. (she last went at 3 months old) She was so excited. When we arrived she stood looking saying wow. It was so special to see her face light up. As she ran around, climbing and playing. So glad we can now do these things again. Plus she had her best friend theo and his brother Chris there.
Ariyahs friends
So since going to met ups in thee park with other parents we have formed a little baby group, as well as a very close friendship with another family. Their little on theo is 6 months, he also has reflux and allergies like ariyah so it's nice to swap stories and support each other as parents too. They have another boy who's 5 and on autistic sprecrum which I have been able to offer tips and advice too. Ariyah loves the boys, her and theo's bond is the most precious thing. She will stroke his head, kiss him and give him toys. She is so gentle and caring its beautiful. He loves her too, whilst starting to follow her lead, chatting, clapping and just watches everything she does. Won't be lonng their be running around causing trouble together.
Ballet going well we made another friend there who is an 8 month old boys with two mummies. It's nice to have more lgbt families for ariyah to interact with. Ariyah seems to get on long with boys more, her boy cousins, who are 2 and 4 she loves, where ass girls she just not interested in playing with. I think Ruby who 5 her big cousin, but that's all other girls or babies she eirther takes no notice off or can be rough with hem, by taking toys even pushing them sometimes. No sure why this is. Maybe having two Daddies and more male figure, where we rough play aand joke with her.
More so she loves dancing and will dance to anything that has a beat. She will twists and waves her arms, bopping to music. She will come over and say radio or on, to the Google dot clapping for us to play the radio. She loves it. Much more then TV as she is not much of a TV watcher which is a good thing but also not on another hand. Wheree sshe is getting older it would be nice to be able to sit as a family and watch films or for her to watch TV if we are busy. She maybe will manage 5/10 mins when she in the mood but definitely preferrs running round causing trouble.
The last 3 weeks she not only learnt to walk, but she now so stable, she walkes everywhere and doesn't really crawl anymore. If she falls she get straight back up and carry on. She been walking outside too and around the park which is amazing. She so much happier because she can go where she wants. She is also running to, it didn't take long. One Wednesday she took her first steps, then withing 3 days she was fully walking, in direction to where she want to get to. By a week after she was able to turn herself and actually stabilise herself from falling. Now 2/3 weeks later she was off, running, turning, climbing. The is no stopping her.
She loves to climb, she gets up stairs easily now, gets on the sofa, our bed. But more recently she is climbing on tables, she stands up on the sofa and dives off it laughing. We have to watch her constantly. She also, after not even a week of having it stands on her toys and tries to climb over the edge of her playpen. We have to ensure any big toys are out the way. She just too clever.
She also loves getting into kitchen and opening cupboards, pulling all her plates and saucepans out. Which is then banged together. (daddies need to buy cupboard locks) she slide the kitchen door open now which I think is very clever that she learnt as its quite hard to slide across and knowing to do that instead of pulling it. She is very cluded up. She watches what we do and copy. Will not be long before she learns to open baby gates as she gives it a good try.
Other things is just her understanding, which in last week or so just seems no longer a baby. She is able to follow instructions and know what we are saying. Mai ly ssimoke ones like go to the kitchen, upstairs, bathtime, go to daddy, come here, putting arms in clothes. But also we be chatting aand laughtinng and she suddenly laugh at something we said and join in the conversation.
Her speak is coming on so much to, she always chatting and babbling but say more and more words. She is now a little parrot, coping everything we say. More so being able. To begin to have conversation, like what's that, look, go...., help. She say yumm when she hungry and the cutest is she will cuddle a teddy, her dolly or stroke the cat while saying awwww. She feeds the doll and covers it up. She just starting to. Role play with play food and cups. But yes she speaks all the time. Sometimes with attitude to. The otherr day wee called her and she goes 'what' with such sass.
Some of her favourite words: (most said and newer ones)
- Daddy to Ben
- Dad or dada to me.
- Bath
- Snacks
- Cat
- Park
- Duck - quack
- Dog
- More
- No
- Yes
- Whats that
- Nan
- Brother
- Ador (Theodore)
- Hello
- Byebye
- Bed
- Yumm
- Wow.
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