Saturday, April 24, 2021

Toilet training.

 Begining to toilet train

Different babies and children are ready at different ages and stages depending on their own development, therefore their is no correct or wrong time to start this joinery. It can be very long and stressful for many or not for others. So the most important thing to consider is when your child and your household is ready. How you do this is also very individual on your own experience, ideas and the child themselves. 

We started to think that ariyah was ready, but was still very young only 14 months. As she would go over the where we kept her nappies and get them out, lay down. She also said nappy or the word bum. Most of the time she did this she had in fact down a b/m or was wet. She also did start to pull at her nappy or try unstick the sides. So firstly we brought pulls ups to make it easier to change her and so she couldn't take them off. 

Meanwhile she is very advanced for her age and was showing signed of being ready. We were shopping and they had cheap potties so we thought let just get one and she how she reacts. We let her choose what one she wanted. Then when we got home we placed it by her nappy bag. She started to go and sit on it oviously with clothes still on, so we removed her nappy and praise her for this. We let her lead the way and only did this to start with when she went over to it. She would also put her teddies on and clap for them which was so sweet.

We continued this on and off for a few months as well as occasionally putting her on the toilet before bath. As time went on we put her in more often during the day, but still kept her nappies one. 

When she turnt 18 months, she was even more keen on sitting on it, she could pull her own trousers and nappy up and down with alittle help at the back. We clapped and cheered for us if she was in the bathroom when we went to the toilet. This showed she definitely understood what the toilet was for. 

Even more so due to the fact we went to stay with our close friends who daughter is almost 4. She is at the end stages of toilet training where goes to the toilet and still gets praise, sticker on her chart for going. If she does a b/m which she still occasionally does have accidents then she gets a chocolate. While we were there ariyah would sit on her old potty next to the toilet whenever gi went. They would clap for each other and get excited. Ariyah also started taking her trouser and nappy off and sitting on the potty herself so we knew then it was time. 

Ones back home we continued with the potty even more. Putting her on in main points in the day like, when she woke up, before or after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before we went out and then got back home. Before baths and bed. Then in the day we put her on like every 20-30 mins sometimes more if we know she needs to go. Still mostly keeping her nappy on, especially when we were out. But when we were at home or mostly playing in the garden we put her in pants. Again we took her to choose which ones she wanted and when she puts them on she choose what colour she wants to wear. She does like wearing them and will say no if you put a nappy in now. 

So it's still a slow process, she has done a few wee's but mainly poo's as they easier for us to know when she needs them. She has had a few accidents too which is all part of learning. When she sits on the potty we praise her abit like well done for sitting and trying. She will say done and stand up now to. She then started to look in the potty to see for herself if their anything in there. If their is not we say not this time we will try again later/in a bit. She then helps pull her pants and trousers up. Oviously if she has done something in the potty we cheer and make a big deal, she claps for herself and is so happy, giving us high fives. We also give her a sticker which she puts on her potty. She loves paw patrol so we got her them stickers to so even more motivation. 

If she has an accident we do not make a big deal or get mad, we simply say oh no never mind, next time we try get to the potty. We then sit her on the potty to change and clean her up. Saying this is where we go to the toilet. Just so she knows not to be ashamed or upset but what to try and do instead. At first she didn't seem aware that she had an accident, but slowly she now comes to us and says oh no and will go to the potty, which is amazing as she is learning. Children have to have these accident to understand being wet and learn their own body ques to go before it's to late. These are so important for them to learn their own body feelings. 

She is doing so well and we are only a week in. So proud of our baby, we know we still got a long way to go but she is ready and lives it. She gets so proud of herself too. For now we just doing the day and keeping nappy on at night and for naps. Some people may disagree and say that 18 months is to young but she understands. Her speech is very developed to so she can say nappy or bum and she is started to realise and say wet if her nappy or pants is wet. And then looking in potty or pants when she tries and says dry if she not been. 

Again I will keep updating on how she is doing as time goes on. But for now she seems to understand and be really motivated and enthusiastic about it, so we will follow her lead and do what's best for her. 

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