Monday, November 30, 2020

Developmently updates

12 months development 

I thought il just do a generally update in how ariyah is doing since turning one. As she is just developing so quickly now that we can't keep up. She is her only little person, amazing us with cleverness everyday. 

When ever we are out and met other parents at park ect they always ask how old ariyah is because she is tall and so advanced, she so social and goes up. To other younger toddlers to play and talk to them. We then chat to thee parents and they are always amazed by her age thinking she older when most of thee time their kids are 18 months plus. This makes us realise how grown up and deterimed she is. How clever and tall she is. Like just seeing her against old toddlers seeing her milestones it is so amazing. We are proud of her so much and push her curiousness about the world. We do push her, give her opportunities to strive, so I believe this is why she is going so well. 

So it made me curious to why everyone reacts the way the do when she does something or when they find out her age. So I started researching different age milestones and what she should be doing at her age considering she premmy too. Which it was her original due date on the 20th (last week) 

I made a list of words she has and things she can do just for our own records but wanted to share with you. So she now 13 months but 12 months corrected. 

However first I will go through average milstone for this age at 1 years old-18 months then 18 months plus again for our records but so you can. See what are the gernal developmentle stages. These are by no means the same for every baby. Many babies develop at there own time. I will also add in whhat things are red flags and if babies aren't doing certain things it went you should speak to a health professional. 

12-18 months:

18 months +

These words Ariyah can say, whilst the does copy many other words and sounds. Thee ones listed are words in her language on a daily bases that she actually understand what they mean, says them in context. As well as understand when we say them.

  1. Hi, hey, hello
  2. Bye bye
  3. Night
  4. Daddy, (ben)
  5. dad or dada (Shane) 
  6. Dads (both) 
  7. Baby
  8. Nan/nana/nanny
  9. Cat (also says haye's name who is our cat.)
  10. Mewo 
  11. Dog (luna this is a close family friends dogs name)
  12. Bark 
  13. woof. She says this after the dog does it. 
  14. Duck
  15.  quake
  16. Baa to sheep. 
  17. Dance
  18. Clap
  19. Jump
  20. Look
  21. Shoe
  22. Walk
  23. Run
  24. Out
  25. outside
  26. Sit
  27. Up 
  28. Down
  29. Open
  30. Park
  31. More
  32. Me 
  33. mine
  34. Milk
  35. Bottle
  36. Snack
  37. Breakfast
  38. Drink
  39. Bubbles
  40. pop 
  41. Ach (for pain) 
  42. No, nope, nar
  43. yeah, yep,yes
  44. Thanks /tar
  45. Bath
  46. Bed
  47. Nap
  48. Stairs
  49. Ball
  50. Catch
  51. Oh no 
  52. Wow
  53. Oh
  54. Aww
  55. Bum
  56. poo (when we changing her) 
  57. Row row row (the boat) 
  58. Rock (rocking horse) 
  59. All done 
  60. Gone
  61. Wooo
  62. Yum
  63. yummy 
  64. Run
  65. Play
  66. Stuck
  67. Sit
  68. There
  69. Pretty
  70. Help
  71. Book 
  72. Read
  73. Boo (peek a boo)
  74. Mum (when annoyed)
  75. Bear
  76. Nay to (horse)
  77. Swing
  78. Wipe (cleaning) 
  79. Door
  80. Happy
  81. Help 
  82. Theodore (her friend) 
  83. Amie (theo mummy)

Maybe missing some as she  does copies other word that are said. 

phases she likes to say also:

See you later

Here you go 

Peek a boo

It's there 

I did it 

No thanks (cheeky)

Signs language - that she can do and understand. 






Things she can do:

  • Walk
  • Run
  • Able to advoid or step over objects when moving around
  • Walks and crawls backwards 
  • Steps up and down small step, curbs ect. 
  • Climb (everything) 
  • Rolls (forward roll with help)
  • Crawl (doesn't really anymore)
  •  stands up alone
  • Feed self with untensils and drinks self
  • Drinks from cup with help
  • Helps dress self
  • Takes off shoes, and socks
  • Tries to put back on.
  • Brushes teeth
  • Helping to wash self and washes her hands
  • Brushes hair
  • Jumps (just starting to get off floor)
  • Response to name and know who other familiar people are by name.
  • Nods for yes
  • Put objects in and out of container 
  • Follow directional instructions Eg. in bedroom, this way, come here. 
  • Throws ,Rolls, Bounces, catchs and kicks a ball
  • Flicks through book
  • Follows one step simple instructions eg.. Find ball, give daddy the toy ect...
  • Copies actions 
  • Points to things she wants
  • Point to lable and identifying things we ask
  • Walks up and down stairs
  • Gets on and off furniture saftly
  • Dances
  • Starting to sing
  • Pushes buttons on toys
  • Does puzzles
  • Claps
  • Waves hello and bye
  • Blows kisses
  • Gives hugs and kiss 
  • Touches head, toes, knees, belly, eye on demard
  • Hides
  • Know where others nose, eyes, ears and month is. 
  • Waves arms and puts them up 
  • Understand objects uses keys for door, cup for drink ect... 
  • Care for friends gives them dummy, milk, food, toys ect.
  • shares things with others
  • Role play- feeding baby doll, or teddies.
  • Pushes toy cars/train makes noises (drumm or chowchow) . 
  • Squats to pick up toys and stands back up
  • Walks and pulls along or carries large toys
  • Draws and scribbles
  • Plays with cats by pulling string or toy along floor for them
  •  open doors /cupboard and draws
  • Pushes and pulls objects (pram/trolly)
  • Plays her musical instruments correctly. Including blowing on recorder
  • Plays peek a boo
  • Interacts and, initiates play with adults and other children 
  • Like to knock things, stack and take things apart
  • Gives high fives
  • Recognise self in a mirror or photo. 
  • Strokes animals 
  • Communicate her wants and needs easily
  • Match two of the same objects 
  • Points and labels things in a book
  • Imitates talking on the phone
  • Understanding size off things when something to big or small. 
  • Planning ahead to make decisions of what to do
  • Helps around househee loves to clean and hoovering
  • Puts finger to month and says shhh
  • Loves soft toys. 
  • Slides down slide herself, will push the swing. 

She says ach and points to teeth or painful places if she hurts herself.

Tantrums have started and gets frustrated so can hits, bits, pinches, but knows when told off. As she starts pushes boundaries we are starting to do small time outs when she does something that is dangerous or hurts others. 

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